OakieBees will often provide site-wide discount code to help increase sales, with our typical discounts ranging from between 10%-20%.
However, you may want to offer your own discount code, specifically for your book(s), with higher discounts and at times of your choosing, to coincide with your own promotions.
Please fill out the form below to run your own discount code and help increase your sales by (temporarily) reducing the price of your book. Before submitting the form, please note the following:
- We will create the code and send it to you. It is important for us to create the code ourselves for tracking purposes
- The discounts will come off of the sale price of your book, which may change in OakieBees from time to time
- All discounts must be done as a percentage of the sale price (we cannot accommodate actual dollar amounts at this time)
- Your discounts will not be able to be combined with other codes that may be offered from OakieBees or other authors
- Discounts will be deducted from your earnings of those sales
- We will e-mail you when your discount code is enabled
- Please allow up to 48 hours from time of form submission for your discount code to be enabled
- If you choose to have your code run indefinitely, please email us at if you choose to end it in the future. Again, please allow up to 48 hours before the code will be disabled
- Consumers who use your code while making a purchase will still be eligible for the free book offer and free shipping on purchases over $25