Glitter the Unicorn is a magical story about Friendship and adventure...The Story Glitter the Unicorn is about a unicorn named Glitter and her best friend Ellie. The dynamic duo go on a magical adventure to Cotton Candy Land where they meet a Queen. The Queen sends Glitter and Ellie on an adventure through the lollipop forest and to the mountain of chocolate where Glitter and Ellie find a magical candy bar.
Glitter the Unicorn has won the Mom's Choice Award as well as Two Purple Dragonfly Book Awards.
Callie Chapman is Father Goose's Favorite young Alabama author. Her books are full of imagination and wonder. — Gharles Ghigna, Father Goose
Follow along @glittertheunicorn or find out more
Be Kind. Be Happy and Be yourself! - Callie Chapman
Dream Big! You are never to small to do big things! - Callie Chapman
Kids ages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Hardcover book with glitter coated dusk jacket.