On an unknown island in an unknown ocean a family of trolls are dancing to the beat of a drum and singing their favourite song while making their favourite drink...Toenail Tea! Grandpa and Grandma Troll are there as well as Ma and Pa troll. All have freshly clipped toenails for the bubbly brew. But what about the youngest troll? Is the littlest troll's toenails long enough to be clipped? Find out in this wild, rhyming, fun tale about a young Troll's coming of age.
Young readers will enjoy the Dr. Suess style of rhyming verse and parents will appreciate the promotion of personal hygiene! Clipping your toenails can be a fun event with Toenail Tea. The detailed illustrations will make this book a favorite for many readings. This exclusive softcover version comes with extra fun pages: A toenail clipping guide and two coloring pages. Destined to be one of the most memorable books in your collection.